Shilpi Goel, a Licensed Cosmetologist is practicing in Bay Area since 2001. She has Masters in Education and Organic Chemistry and studied at DayalBagh and Agra Universities in India. She chose to make her career in Beauty Care. She specializes in Threading and Eyebrow Shaping. She enjoys meeting people of all ethnicities and walks of life.
In one deft three-second move, her small fingers stretch and twist a length of white cotton thread into a Y shape between her two hands and mouth. In the next five minutes, Shilpi Goel's fingers work the twist in the thread like miniature shears and snip away at the pair of bushy eyebrows facing her. The thread goes "krrrp krrp krrrp," and tiny eyebrow hairs fall away, leaving behind two gorgeous arches. As her client-one of her 300 regulars-pays her and leaves, Goel greets another by her first name and invites her to the beautician's chair. As Goel positions herself behind a black all-purpose salon chair, she finds herself in a place quite removed from where she stood a few years ago.
Eight years back Goel, a science methodology graduate and doctorate student, stood as a teacher in front of a class of undergraduate students in an Indian university. In the next few years she planned to earn a doctorate, get a better teaching job and get married. Eight months into her career, marriage happened and 24-year-old Goel got ready to travel half way across the globe, to California, with her new husband-a software engineer.
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